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Poramate Manoonpong was born in Nan, Thailand, in 1978.

Currently, he is a Professor of Bio-inspired Robotics at the School of Information Science and Technology, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Thailand and has also served as a Professor of SDU Biorobotics, the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark.


He received his B.Eng. degree in mechanical engineering from the King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, in 2000, M.Sc. degree in mechatronics from Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany, in 2002, and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Siegen, Germany, in 2006.


He was a JSPS Postdoctoral fellow at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Department of Brain Robot Interface, Kyoto, Japan. He was also the group leader of the Emmy Noether research project for "Neural Control, Memory, and Learning for Complex Behaviors in Multi Sensori-Motor Robotic Systems" at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), Department for Computational Neuroscience, Third Institute of Physics-Biophysics, the University of Goettingen, Germany. He has been PI or co-PI of 16 funded projects.


Currently he serves on an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neuroscience (Neurorobotics) and Adaptive Behavior (SAGE journal), the editorial board of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS), (Topic: Bioinspired Robotics) and Advances in Robotics Research, Techno press, and as a program committee member for international conferences and workshops. He has published over eighty publications in major robotics journals and conferences and and edited two books.


Research interests: Embodied AI, machine learning for robotics, neural locomotion control of walking machines, biomechanics, dynamics of recurrent neural networks, learning/plasticity, embodied cognitive systems, prosthetic and orthopaedic devices, exoskeletons, brain-machine interface, human-machine interaction, service/inspection robots.


My long-term agenda: "To understand how brain-like mechanisms including biomechanics can be realized in artificial agents so they can become more like living creatures in their level of performance"


In order to achieve my goal, I have developed neural mechanisms for locomotion generation and adaptation in legged robots, e.g., dynamic biped walking robot "RunBot" and adaptive animal-like robots “AMOS”.



Personal Details


Name: Poramate Manoonpong
Place of Birth: Nan, Thailand
Nationality and Race: Thai
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married







Twitter ID


euRobotics ID



Academic Background


1991-1995, High school (Hons.), Kasetsart University Laboratory School, Bangkok, Thailand

1996-2000, B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering (Hons.), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand

Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Siam Charoenseang, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Djitt Laowattana


2000-2002, M.Sc. in Mechatronics, Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Ing. Andreas Paczynski, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Brümmer

2002-2005, Ph.D. student at Fraunhofer Institut fuer Autonome Intelligente Systeme, Sankt Augustin, Germany

2002-2006, Dissertation, University of Siegen, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institut fuer Regelungs-und Steuerungstechnik, Siegen, Germany
Supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hubert Roth, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Pasemann



Honors/ Awards


2000, Second class honours in Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.) at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand


2008, Best Ph.D. thesis award in Engineering and Industrial Research category from the Office of the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)


2008, Finalist of the Tzyh-Jong Tarn best paper award from IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2008


2010, Research Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS: Research Abroad)


2011, Research Fellowship of Japan Trust International Research Cooperation Program (Research Abroad)


2011, Emmy Noether Programme of the DFG (German Research Foundation)


2012, Distinguished alumni award for outstanding achievements in scientific research from FIBO at 16 year FIBO Homecoming


2013, Innovation Award 2013- For Practical Innovation in the Field of Robotics (Highly recommended) from 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR)


2013, Best Technical Paper Award (Highly recommended) from 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR)  


2015,.The Scandinavian Guest Professorship (Skandinavische Gastdozentur) Award of the Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel

2018, “Sky Talent” (“长空英才”) of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA)


2020, Best Technical Paper Award 2020-at 23rd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR).


2020, The honorary title of Excellent Members of the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE)


2021, Outstanding Paper Award from 25th Tecnical Forum (Engineering and Operations) of PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited ("Morphological Adaptation for Speed Control of Pipeline Inspection Gauges (MC-PIG), T. Suthisomboon, P. Janbanjong, P. Kosanunt, S. Phodapol, P. Manoonpong)


2022, Jiangsu Youth Friendship Envoys


2022, Highlighting excellent innovation by the European Commission's Innovation Radar (Automatic FPGA-based Neural Network Implementation Tool)


2022, IEEE Senior member award


2022, The finalist prize of the work entitled "Gecko-Inspired Robot with a Bendable and Hybrid Soft-Rigid Adhesive Feet for Agile and Versatile Gecko-like Locomotion" from the international Bionic Innovation Competition 2022.


2022, Appointed external examiner (censor) for the Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering programmes and master programmes (continuing education) within the field of Civil - Elektronik, IT og Energi, appointed by the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2026).


2023, Standing member of the Youth commission of International Society of Bionic Engineering


2023, Board director of the education committee of International Society of Bionic Engineering



2023, Innovation Award 2013- For Practical Innovation in the Field of Robotics (Winning) from 26th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR)



2024, Outstanding achievements (VISTEC honors) that brought recognition to VISTEC between April 2023 and March 2024



2025, the 31st Science & Technology Award Winner (Individual Category) from Thailand Toray Science Foundation (TTSF)





2009: The Office of the Higher Education Commission of Thailand (OHEC), “Neural Control for Reconfigurable Spherical Robots” project, P.M. = co-PI


2010: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), “Novel Neural Learning Models for Policy Improvement of Dynamic Motion Control” project, P.M. = co-PI


2011: Japan Trust International Research Cooperation Program (NICT), “Neural Learning for Adaptive Human-Humanoid Communication” project, P.M. = PI


2010-2015: The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany) through Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience II (BCCN II, project D1), “Biomechanics and Adaptive Neural Control of Animal and Robot Locomotion” project, P.M.= co-PI


2011-2014: Emmy-Noether Program, DFG (Germany), “Neural Control, Memory, and Learning for Complex Behaviors in Multi Sensori-Motor Robotic Systems” project, P.M. = PI


2012-2015: The Strategic Japanese-German Cooperative Program on Computational Neuroscience (Germany), “Haptic Learning” project, P.M. = co-Coordinator


2015-2017: SDU-research funding, “Neural Predictive Control for Goal-directed Learning and Multi- scale Adaptation” project, P.M. = PI


2017-2018: SDU Lighthouse initiative, "Welfare Innovation" project, P.M. = partner


2017-2020: Horizon2020-FETPROACT, “Predictive Neural Information for Proactive Actions: From Monkey Brain to Smart House Control (Plan4Act)” project, P.M. = technical coordinator & PI for SDU component


2017-2020: Innovation fund Denmark, “Seamless huMan-robot interactiOn fOr THe support of elderly people (SMOOTH)” project, P.M. = work-package PI


2017-2020: Interreg5, “Health Care Assisting Technology (Health-CAT)” project, P.M. = work-package PI


2017-2020: HFSP, “A dung beetle’s life: how miniature creatures perform extraordinary feats with limited resources (Dlife)” project, P.M. = co-PI


2017-2021: Startup Grant-IST Flagship researches (Thailand), “Bio-inspired Robotics” project, P.M. = PI


2018-2021: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics “NEUrorobotic Technology for advanced Robot mOtor control (NEUTRON)” project, P.M. = PI



2019-2021: NSFC-DFG, "Bio-inspired Smart Attachment and Adaptive Neuromechanical Control for Highly Efficient Locomotion and Adaptation to an Autonomous Climbing Robot” project, P.M. = co-PI


2021-2022: THOMAS B. THRIGES FOND, "Advanced machine learning research platform for autonomous lifelong learning of complex robotic systems in dynamically changing real-world environments (ADLife)" project, P.M. = PI



2021-2022: Odense Robotics, "LOFT: Long-term autOnomy For service robots in consTruction (LOFT)” project, P.M. = Coordinator



2024-2028: MSCA (Doctoral Networks and Staff Exchange-Horizon Europe), "Magnetic soft matter for robotics (MAESTRI) ” project, P.M. = work-package PI



Professional Experience


2002-2005, Research assistant at Fraunhofer Institut AiS, Sankt Augustin, Germany

2006-2011, Postdoc at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), Goettingen, Germany


Interim: August 2009 - September 2009, Visiting researcher at Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand


Interim: January 2010 - July 2010, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Department of Brain Robot Interface, Kyoto, Japan


2011-2014, Principal investigator of an Emmy Noether Research project at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Department for Computational Neuroscience, Third Institute of Physics-Biophysics, the University of Goettingen


Interim: June 2011 - August 2011, Japan Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Department of Brain Robot Interface, Kyoto, Japan


November 2013 - January 2021, Associate Professor of Embodied AI and Neurorobotics at the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark


Interim: June 2015 - August 2015, Visiting Professor at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand


Interim: October 2015 - February 2016, the Scandinavian Guest Professorship (Skandinavische Gastdozentur) at the Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel (University of Kiel), Kiel, Germany


Interim: June 2016 - July 2016, Visiting Professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China


Interim: July 2017 - August 2017, Visiting Professor at Biomedical Engineering, Rangsit University, Thailand


Since July 2016, Adjunct Faculty/Invited Faculty Member of Graduate School, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand


November 2017-January 2019, Professor at College of Astronautics at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA)


February 2019-January 2024, Professor of Neurorobotic Technology, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA)


Since February 2021, Professor of SDU Biorobotics, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)


Since August 2017, Professor of School of Information Science & Technology, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC)

Since June 1st 2024, Director of School of Information Science & Technology, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC) (2 year term, 01.06.2024-31.05.2026)


Professional Activities


2009-2017, Coordinator of ATPER in Denmark (ATPER, Association of Thai Professionals in Europe 2014-2017, Coordinator of the RETURN project of ATPER)


2016-2023, Vice-Chairman of the Youth Commission of ISBE  



2017-2021, President of ATPER (ATPER, Association of Thai Professionals in Europe)


Since 2023, Standing member of the Youth commission of International Society of Bionic Engineering 

Since 2023, Board director of the education committee of International Society of Bionic Engineering 




2012-2013, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, Master & Bachelor level course (B.Phy.5638, 3 ETCS), University of Göttingen, Germany, Winter semesters: WS12 & WS13.


Since 2014, Adaptive embodied locomotion control systems, Master level course (RMAI3-U1, 5ETCS), University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Every autumn semester.


Since 2014, Tools of Artificial intelligence, Master level course (RMAI2-U1, 5 ETCS), University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Every spring semester.


Simulation for RMAI2 (pole balancing (OPENAI), pole balancing (empty controller , example LQR controller))


Since 2015, Project in Artificial Intelligence (with John Hallam), Master level course (RMAI4-U1, 10 ETCS), University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Every autumn semester.


2015, Embodied Artificial Intelligence, Master level course (Etit-999, 3 ETCS), University of Kiel, Germany, Winter semester: WS15.


2016, “Biomechanics & Locomotion Control from Insects to Robots”, Summer course, Master level, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, 8, 11-13.07.2016.


2017, “Embodied Artificial Intelligence”, Summer course, Bachelor level, Biomedical Engineering, Rangsit University, Thailand, 03.07.2017-02.08.2017.


2017, “AI & Robotics”, IST596, Master/PhD levels, School of Information Science & Technology Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC), Thailand, 14.09.2017-15.09.2017.


Since 2018, “Embodied Artificial Intelligence”, IST532, Master/PhD levels, School of Information Science & Technology, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC), Thailand, Every spring semester


Since 2018, “Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks”, in the Design, module and invention in Biological Engineering course BSE 504, Master/PhD levels, School of Biomolecular Science and Engineering, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC), Thailand, Every spring semester


Since 2020, Adaptive Locomotion Control Course (Bio-inspired Science and Technology -Autumn semester, October-December 2020, 2021), Bachelor-Master level, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China


Since 2021, Bio-inspired Autonomous System Course: Bio-inspired actuation and locomotion (RM-BAS, 5 ETCS), University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Every spring semester.



Supervision of undergraduate, master, and PhD research projects, over 100 students, see pdf file.


Guest lectures:


2014, “Using Biological Inspiration to Develop Autonomous Walking Robots”, Scientific method course (SM-SCM), Master level, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, 5 ECTS, 09.04.2014.


2015-2016, “Reinforcement Learning”, Statistical machine learning course (RM-SML-U1), Master level, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, 5 ECTS, 22.04.2015.


2015, “How to do research”, Research methodology course  (EEM601), PhD level, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand, 6,11,13.08.2015.


2015, “Thinking in Science”, Scientific methods course (SM-SCM), MSc level, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, 5 ECTS, 29.09.2015.


2015, “Locomotion in invertebrates and robots”, Biomechanics and Biomimetics/Bionik course (biol201), Master level, University of Kiel, Germany, 25-26.11.2015.

2016, “Locomotion control and robotics”,  Grundlagen der Bionik/ Basics of Bonics course (Modul biol167), Bachelor level, University of Kiel, Germany, 10.03.2016.


2016, “Artificial neural networks: An Approach to Build Brains for Bodies”,  Robotic course, Master level, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 24.11.2016.


2017, “Locomotion control and robotics”,  Grundlagen der Bionik/ Basics of Bonics course (Modul biol167), Bachelor level, University of Kiel, Germany, 28.02.2017.


2017, “Artificial neural networks: An Approach to Build Brains for Bodies”,  Robotic course, Master level, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 18.12.2017.



2018, “Biomechanics and Bio-inspired Locomotion Control from Animals to Robots”,  Bionic Science and Technology course, Master/PhD level, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA),11,15,18. 10.2018.


2019, “Biomechanics and Bio-inspired Locomotion Control from Animals to Robots”,  Bionic Science and Technology course, Master/PhD level, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA),10,13,17.12.2019.



Workshop/tutorial/conference organization


2008-2012, Robotic workshop of Girls’Day-Mädchen-Zukunftstag at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), University of Göttingen, Germany


2013, Robotic workshop of Girls’Day & Boys’ Day - Zukunftstag fuer Maedchen und Jungen-Maedchen-Zukunftstag at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), University of Göttingen, Germany


2015, Workshop on Robot technology and supply chain for the factory of the future, organized together with Trisak Group under the RETURN project, Swissotel Nai Lert Park Bangkok, Thailand, 15.12.2015.


2015, Workshop on Embodied sensorimotor interaction: from locomotion to collective behavior at SWARM 2015: The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, Kyoto, Japan, 28.10.2015.


2016, Tutorial on  Exploiting Soft Materials, Biomechanical Structures, and Neural Mechanisms for Adaptive Locomotion at The 14th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB2016), Aberystwyth, UK, 23.08.2016.


2016, Danish-Embodied Artificial Intelligence Workshop, Odense, Denmark, 10.11.2016.


2017, Workshop on Bio-inspired Robotics, Century Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 24.06.2017 (program in Thai) (supported by OHEC Thailand) (registration link).


2017, Workshop on Bio-inspired control for interlimb coordination and adaptation in legged robots at SWARM 2017: The Second International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, Kyoto, Japan, 29.10.2017.


2018, The 15th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB2018): Frankfurt, Germany, 14-17.08. 2018.


2018, The first joint workshop on Biology-inspired robotics and Robotics-inspired Biology (BIRRIB) at SAB2018: Frankfurt, Germany, 14.08. 2018.


2018, The 2nd International Youth Conference of BionicEngineering (IYCBE2018), Odense, Denmark, 7-9.11.2018.


2018, Workshop on Advanced Human-Machine Interaction for Improving Quality of Life and Health at the 22nd International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC 2018), November 21 (full-day) 2018.


2019, Program committee and Workshop/Organized Session Chair of SWARM 2019: The 3rd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, November 20-22, Okinawa, Japan.


2019, Co-chair of Legged Robots II regular session (WeDT13), LG-R13, at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and SystemsNovember 4-8, 2019, Macau.



2020, The second joint workshop on Biology-inspired robotics and Robotics-inspired Biology (BIRRIB) at SAB2020: Paris, France, 21.09. 2020 (postpone).


2021, Program committee and Workshop/Organized Session Chair of SWARM 2021: The 4th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (DARS-SWARM2021), June 1–4, 2021, Kyoto, Japan.


2021, Chair of Plenary Speech "INVESTIGATING ANIMAL LOCOMOTION USING BIOROBOTS" by Prof. Auke Jan Ijspeert at SWARM 2021: The 4th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (DARS-SWARM2021), June 4, 2021, virtual conference (17:30-18:30 JST).


2021, Co-chair of the session "Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics II" (TuFT1), at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), June 1, 2021, 12:00-13:00, Track T1, Room T1, China, Virtual-Europe.


2022, Scientific coordinator, Workshop on Intelligent Machines? –Self-organized Nonlinear Dynamics of Machines across Scales (supported by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems), Dresden, Germany, June 20-24, 2022.



2022, Co-chair of biofabrication and bioinspired manufacturing at The 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE2022), September 15-18, 2022.



2023, Co-Publication chair of IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics 2023, April 3-7, 2023, Singapore.


2024, Program committee and Workshop/Organized Session Chair of SWARM 2024: The 8th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (DARS-SWARM2024), September 18-20, 2024, Kyoto, Japan.


2024, EMBODIED LOCOMOTION MECHANISMS IN ANIMALS AND ROBOTS: FROM MORPHOLOGICAL TO NEURAL COMPUTATIONS Workshop at SWARM 2024: The 8th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (DARS-SWARM2024), September 18 2024, Kyoto, Japan.


2025, General chair, International Symposium on Physical AI and Robotics at (IS-PAIR2025), January 28-29 2025, Rayong, Thailand.



2025, Organizing committee, THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMBODIED INTELLIGENCE, 2-4 April 2025, online



2025, Vice-general chair, the 9th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics 2025, September 23-25, 2025 Göttingen, Germany


2025, Organizing committee, a Workshop entitled "Bioinspired Robotics for Bridging Natural and Artificial Intelligence" at European Robotics Forum 2025 – 25. – 27. March, 2025



Editorial engagement


Since 2013, Editorial Board of Advances in Robotics Research (ARR)

Since 2013, Editorial Board of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS)


Since 2015, Associate editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics


Since 2018, Associate Editor of Adaptive Behavior Journal, SAGE

Since 2023, Associate editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters


Since 2023, Editorial board member of Scientific Reports


Since 2023, Editorial board member of Journal of the Royal Society Interface



Since 2024, Associate editor of Robotics Reports




2016, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics: the Research Topic on Neural Computation in Embodied Closed-Loop Systems for the Generation of Complex Behavior: From Biology to Technology


Since 2017, Local Board for Thailand in Neuroscience


Since 2017, Editorial Board of Journal of Industrial Technology


2018, Associate Editor for IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2018


2018, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics: the Research Topic on Biology-Inspired Engineering and Engineering-Inspired Biology


2019, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics: the Research Topic on Integrated Multi-modal and Sensorimotor Coordination for Enhanced Human-Robot Interaction


2020, Associate Editor for IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics 2020


2020, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Robotics and AI for Computational Intelligence in Robotics: the Research Topic on Biological and Robotic Inter-Limb Coordination


2020, Guest Editor of MDPI- Sensors, Special Issue "Sensors, Motor Coordination, and High-level Cognition in Bio-inspired Robotics"


2021, Associate Editor for IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics 2021


2021, Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Biomechanical, Biomedical and Bioinspired Engineering (specialty section of Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering)


2021, Section editorial board member for "Drone Design and Development" Drones (MDPI)



2022, Associate Editor for IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics 2022



2022, Program committee of ALIFE 2022 (The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life)


2022, Program committee of CLAWAR 2022 (the 25th issue of the International Conference Series on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines)


2022, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics: the Research Topic on Multimodal Behavior from Animals to Bio-Inspired Robots


2022, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics: the Research Topic on the Roles of Self-organization and Sensory Adaptation for Locomotion in Animals and Robots

2022, Special Issue Editor of IET Cyber-systems and Robotics: "Emerging technologies and applications in animal cyborgs"


2022, Guest Editor of MDPI- Machines, Special Issue "Bioinspired Intelligent Robotics and Control"


2022, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics: the Research Topic on Horizons in Neurorobotics 2022


2023, Associate Editor for IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics 2023


2023, Guest Editor of The Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Special Issue "Biomimetics and bioinspired surfaces: from nature to theory and applications"



2023, Special Issue Editor of Advanced Robotics, "Embodied Intelligence - Understanding Animal Locomotion and Its Robotic Implementations"


2023, Special Issue Editor of Biomimetics: Section "Locomotion and Bioinspired Robotics", "Special Issue "Bio-Inspired Approaches - A Leverage for Robotics"



2024, Associate Editor for IEEE EMB's 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2024)




Top of Page


Contact :


Poramate Manoonpong





Bio-inspired Robotics and Neural Engineering Lab,

School of Information Science & Technology,
Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC),

Wangchan Valley, 555 Moo 1 Payupnai, Wangchan,

Rayong 21210,



Embodied AI & Neurorobotics Lab, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, The University of Southern Denmark,
Campusvej 55, 5230,
Odense M,


Email Address:










Photo: 2024 (High resolution)



Photo: ISBE Newsletter, 2017



Photo: Michael Yde Katballe, University of Southern Denmark, 2014




Photo: Newhouse News Service, 2008




Photo: Express, 2005

Last Updated 08.02.18: The top image of this page is created from several images including the neuron image modified from http://white.stanford.edu/teach/index.php/File:NeuralNetwork.jpg, the motor neuron cells image modified from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/285183.php